First let me start by giving what is to me the two big constraints when discussing pretty much anything but needs to be highlighted when these type of things come up. The following two things are needed to be there and presumed to be there in a total power exchange relationship (TPE):
1) BOTH people are fairly mentally healthy.
2) They live in a country that has solid human rights laws and enforces them.
Everything that follows is based on both of these things being present.
My view on what is TPE

For a slave: Being in a TPE relationship means being totally committed and dedicated to truly with one’s utmost intention and effort living it. This is accepting that many what, when, where and how’s are now not in one’s control. This is not just about accepting it and wanting it but truly in one’s heart being able to live like this. This is about living 24/7 and always giving your owner the chance it will work then having to believe it will work. You have to let go of judging individual actions and just concentrate on overall things.
For a dominant: I believe some ancient philosopher wrote “with great power comes great responsibility”. A slave has given to their owner their needs and desires to feel safe, cared for and to try to be overall happy in life to their owner. A slave is not a toy or some accessory to treat like a programmable robot. The slave wants you to be the kid in the candy store but the heart of the matter is this, owning a slave 24/7TPE is not just about you but accepting and wanting control of another and enjoying the work that comes with that.
A peek into my world
Here are my actual limits and boundaries that are in my life as an owned slave.
Limits and boundaries include breath play, no tattoo(s) until we have been together three years, poly relationships, allowed to work at the minimum to keep up my qualifications to work in my chosen area as an RN, nothing in public that disrespects my family, keep in contact with my family and close friends including visiting them, any intercourse between other people by each of us is done with condoms, and of course the usual ones that I find either amusing or disturbing people have to communicate like children, permanent damage and any illegal acts that they prosecute. I am sure I missed a few things as well.

One caveat!
I do have one thing that drives cyber theorists up a wall and the more mentally diseased to hate someone like me. It is simple; I have the right to try to be happy. Within the boundaries if things are happening, being done or one or both of us change in some way that leaves me miserable then there is a problem(s) that need to be addressed. My rights as a human being do take precedent over an agreed upon way to live with someone!
The trick though for a slave like me is not to abuse this concept as a way to, for example if my Master tonight orders me to shave my head I will do so with little hesitation. I know I will hate it in the short term and maybe even longer but also know it will have to take months of keeping it shaved to see how it really will impact me for the long term.
If on our upcoming honeymoon my Master decides not to have sex with me and orders me to stay in the room while he hooks up with another woman that will of course not be a thrill and totally suck but I also know long term for me it will just not be a big thing and proud I could handle it for him.
Here are the following things I see many dominants mention that as a slave raise a huge red flag with me in context with TPE relationships:

But there is an honorable way to try things with a slave and a defective way. To me it just reeks of mental issues if a dominant needs to try to push limits when the main motivation is just to push limits and not because there is a limit they would really like to do or at least try. If a dominant is obsessed by the desire to believe in his head his slave is a no limit slave that is simply a big red flag. TPE is about a relationship between two people and not some mythical destination.
2) Slave has one right and that is to leave: This is a cyber theorists and chest thumpers ultimate delusion. Any dominant who truly feels this get some mental help and certainly to any slave out there who thinks they are seeing a dominant who truly believes this you have been warned.
This statement can only be taken in two ways literally. 1) The slave has only one right to leave as a last resort but the owner is going to respect and care about the slave right to try to be happy. Therefore the slave has more then that one right and the statement is more chest thump then honest. 2) The dominant actually believes this which therefore they might not give a damn about any issues that a slave might have and there only way out of not being able to be happy is to leave them. Now is that just a fucked up thought when you have been in a relationship measured in years! Wow, what devotion and loyalty an owner like that is going to show another person.
3) Absolute Submission: This is a term because people like me bash cyber theorist’s version of TPE and no limit slave so this term sprouted up. Again run away from any dominant or slave who actually thinks this is possible. Wishing it to be possible does not make human rights laws become void or another’s attempt to follow this to make it actually so. No matter what unless you get a mentally sick submissive all you dominants out there you cannot eliminate the chance they will just leave you! These types of thoughts are a sign of your own non mental health.
Disclaimer for those with issues aka think no limit is possible here is my view instead of rambling on.
TPE is a relationship dynamic not a destination or fool proof dominant does not get hurt situation.

My Dearest lin
I believe that in all marriages there is a dominant and submissive partner. Typically the dominant partner is the man. So power exchange is present in every marriage it is a matter to what extent.
In my marriage I am a Dominant HOH and my wife is openly submissive and obedient. In our wedding vows she explicitly agreed to submit to me and twice she agreed to obey me. Those sacred vows have formed the basis of our power exchange and we are both bound by them for life. I hold her to her vows without compromise and I live my vows to the highest standard.
To me this is the central point. All dominants and subs agree to the power they exchange. It is totally impossible to force a weak man to be an HOH or an aggressive woman to be a sub. Each must see an inner need and gain benefits to their wellbeing for power exchange on any level to be a success.
Lin, you have a deep need to live a life where you actively demonstrate your devotion to your master through acts and rituals that reinforce your bond to each other. The physical act of pleasing him shows you will go to almost any length to build and preserve your bond. In effect, you demonstrate extreme loyalty. The act of giving him power over you increases your inner wellbeing and is therefore good for you and your marriage. You are happy too endure pain to achieve an intensity of bond that is not possible without your rituals. You have agreed to TPE because it increases your wellbeing, therefore to you it is nothing but good.
On your Master’s side his wellbeing is also enhanced as he has a wife whose devotion and loyalty is above and beyond anything wife he can get in a vanilla marriage. To him you are more precious than a mountain of diamonds. He will seek to preserve and enhance your wellbeing by dominating you to enable you to live a life of a devoted slave. To achieve this he must push at your boundaries and keep a very tight grip of you. He has agreed to TPE because it increases his wellbeing, therefore to him it is nothing but good.
All power exchange is consented and voluntary, or it is fake and will not last. TPE is a very gradual process and should be looked at as lifetime journey of love and devotion. Rituals gain strength with time and later in life your slavery will lead you to a spiritual path as you will gain a true and complete understanding of devotion.
Bless you my child, you are an enlightened being, your life’s journey as a slave will be filled with understanding.
Dearest AKM,
Thank you for those beautiful comments. I think you wrote it perfectly the overall theme of what goes on in a power exchange relationship that can often get lost when people just focus on the specifics, bells and whistles.
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