Often in life we tend to make gross generalizations. Often ones having to do with other people and/or some one size fit all type statement are particularly bad and offensive that deserve any beat down they get when heard or read. Then there are statements and thoughts about a specific topic or ourselves that appear simple and straightforward but the truth is they too can be gross generalizations that with more thought are usually not so absolute.

I got thinking about this after some conversation where I work and then stumbling upon a few of the usual type questions and statements the power exchange life love to debate. The answer for most of the example that follow is that it may be one thing/thought primarily for one person but can be a different one thought primarily for another and be completely a different thought to both when altering their thought parameters.
It often about context
One of the more common questions of this genre that I have often heard is people trying to define oral sex as a submissive act or not. Often this is played out in terms of is oral sex itself submissive or the stupid debate of should a dominant even give oral sex to their slave as it is not a dominant act.

Then it can just be a constant
Sometimes context does not control the feelings one has but at best merely might lighten or deepen the feeling. A good example with me is anal sex. This always feels submissive to me no matter what context. Even when I have done this without any power exchange aspect around with or without people in the life anal sex always feels submissive for me personally. Certainly and I think obviously there are many people within the life that anal sex gives off no submissive feelings as well.
Again our human brain is tricky and unique. So for me and my example my initial reaction to being penetrated is a that is not natural and not as pleasurable as regular intercourse while others on the opposite end might be thinking pleasure time has begun. Then there are the ones in between where context will mean everything.
Even if something to the person is a constant does not mean to believe everyone has that same feeling constantly for that thing.
For consideration and communication
My reason for what I have written is for both roles in the power exchange dynamic to understand themselves and the other person in terms of these feelings from an individual level and not from a theoretical level and maybe more importantly be accepting of the answers you get.

Understanding the other’s feelings and if context is important or everything in certain acts can go a long way in making a power exchange relationship go more smoother and maximize the good feelings. Accepting the human brain can treat something a way you do not think is “normal” or logical is an important and way more beneficial then preaching how it should think.
Dearest lin
I may not comment but I read your every word. I am continuing on the train my wife and I am using the wisdom from Titus. There is reference to you in Titus that I thought I would share with you. You are about to become a wife and that is different to that of a slave and you must think about how the two fit together. 5 refers to a wife while 9 & 10 refers to a slave
Titus 2 (New International Version)
What Must Be Taught to Various Groups
5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
9 Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them, 10 and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.
Dearest AKM,
Thank you for your kind advice.
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