This topic hinges on perspective so I will keep this rather short and personal.

This is because perspective can be so different. To talk about basically a Master hitting a slave because they do not like their mood or attitude sounds to most just horrible because the only scenarios they think of is some abusive ogre smacking his helpless nonconsensual spouse. But life just has more variety then that.
In general toss out people who play these things primarily in their local community. They often cannot think anything other then toys and scenes when it comes to anything that hits on what happens in a public dungeon or taught in a public safety lowest common denominator first situation.
In general toss out anyone that really does not identify as a slave who practices it on a pretty severe level. If one does not buy into one’s Master is the center of the Universe for the most part then they are not going to understand the concept of a slave willing to try to get their mood altered or trained to not be something.
In general toss out self obsessed people who suffer from serious illnesses like depression and Bipolar. They are unable to distinguish that other people have the ability to distinguish the difference between something serious that they have, something that cannot be adjusted or something that can. They can only zone in on when they go into their depressed state that is serious and cannot be helped by this.
In general toss out the drama queens who take everything that happens to them in life and over analyses it. People who question everything done in their relationship like it is life or death this is too dangerous of a thing for them to talk about let alone actually do.
Scientific Experiment
Personally I know for myself and other that instant physical punishment to help us deal with a attitude or mood issue is a good thing we welcome having our Master having some control or ability to try to deal with. Many will stress in no uncertain terms that anytime an owner punishes for a mood that is abuse. But I find that safety police nonsense and coming from a small mind or just someone that lacks the ability to see things from other personalities and experiences.
So I propose, because I do know this is true, a research project. Go to an active message board on power exchange life and search for two topics. One topic of this thing specifically and see all the safety police and the public players cry abuse and dangerous. See many claim this is idiotic and cannot be done.

What is the difference? Nothing really when knowing that in long term healthy and loving relationships your spouse is going to know you so well to know when a mood or attitude can be adjusted and when it just has to be played out but that does not work in the public forums that this life is talked mostly about.
My Experiences
For me I find getting punished physically right away for mood and attitude non slave like to be a good thing that I actively desire in my relationship. Quite simply and shocking to some I like a good face slap or knee buckling nipple squeeze when my Master takes exception to something in this area and thinks it can be corrected by doing these things to me.
My personality, life and M/s relationship this has a strong place for it to be beneficial to me. I love being a slave and being slave like in terms of loving, lustful and happy to be in the presence of my Master when I am. I work twelve hour night shifts most of the time several in a row. I work in an ER where bad stuff often happens. All of this tends to get me way off kilter in terms of energy levels and moods which does impact my ability to focus and be where I like and can be. There are just times that the best thing for me is a solid slap to my face to get my focus back where I want it let alone my Master.

Again for me personally, to get my mood or attitude pointed out as being less then desired or what both of us want in the relationship and punished by hours or days later some type of punishment is quite ridiculous and ineffective. But a quick pain punishment gets the behavior fixed the most productive way for me and we move on.
It is never apples to apples
Something like this is probably not for many. It does not make one special because it is in their relationship and it does not make it abusive and dangerous because it will never be in your healthy and loving relationship.
There are many types of dynamics, personality types, bad life experiences and mental and physical health issues that a Master administering physical punishment to adjust mood and attitude will not work and could be very dangerous. But remember for some of us in long term healthy and loving relationships where trust and love is not questioned by either party if this aspect works for the two then the dangers are not as great. Still be careful and communicate absolutely.
Sometimes my Master hits me and I simply go sorry for my current behavior but that did not or will not help at this time. I am a slave in a total power exchange relationship that I am in love with my Master and in ecstasy of our relationship dynamic and his devotion to it. In it he is a sadist that for enjoyment gives me pain nearly everyday that people in this life get gushy in thinking, talking and doing it. I am not a vanilla chick masquerading my role. Even a not so cool pain that did not work or Master did not read me right is not something to panic or dwell on.
Long term means remembering all the actions and not just the last one.
Very interesting post Lin. Thank you for your perspective.
I happen to be in similar circumstances. I am a nurse, I work 12 hour shifts as well, in an Oncology setting. After working a few in a row, I sometimes feel out of my role/place. It is good to feel the yank of my chain when Master brings me sharply back into my place. And yes, sometimes a slap on the face is a very good thing. Or just his words warning me to watch my tone. or to remember my place. All very good.
Thanks for your comment. Yes a stare can most certainly help sometimes as well.
I completly agree with you. My Master smacks me in the face quite frequently and it instantly put me in my place. It is not barbaric it'a love and correction.
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