2) If you get dumped/released it is because simply the dominant did not care to be with you anymore. It is not because you broke a rule or two and he was that shallow. That is just his excuse that he thinks will cause the least drama. Now dumped because you consistently did not do things is another story. A pattern of showing an issue with devotion to the dynamic is a very big deal for people who are serious about this life and an exceptional reason to be dumped.
3) If you attempt long distance and the dominant has a decent job but still does not seem to want to come see you or want you to come there, he is either married or this is just a lark. People can scramble money to get their nicotine, caffeine and other extra expenses. To think someone who claims to have a decent paying job cannot scramble up some gas or plan ahead to get a relative cheap airline ticket is not realistic when thought of from the perspective of finding your one or at least some kinky sex.
4) The odds of a person changing significantly are slim to nil. The odds of a person putting on a fake mask when first getting with someone is quite normal to at least a certain degree. If a person changes for the worse after enough time has past the odds are very good they are reverting back to who they are and not some temporary or change that they will change back to the person you first met.
5) No picture in profile fine. No picture after enough communication they are playing you. Whether married, not serious or lied badly about their age/appearance it is a huge ass red flag. Sorry cameras can be borrowed and the job paranoia does not cut it from sending a vanilla picture to and from a regular old email or IM chat. Do you really think they would be interested in you if you never showed your photo in someway?

6) Avoid the drama. One of the biggies of M/s life slaves it is not always about you. Not only avoid making things too much about you but the bigger one do not think slave followed by you as a person in trying to solve something or make some bad situation better. But think about the actual situation and the person(s) being affected and how you can help. For example, because your new Master is stressed out in work please do not stress him out more by making him deal with you stressing about trying to be a better slave to him because he is stressing out from work.
7) People self idealize in cyber. Do not believe all the zealot type descriptions of character and how people describe their lives and decisions. For example, the “I would never leave until my contract was done” is not a person of character communicating how to live this life as a submissive/slave but a self esteem challenged liar or seriously mentally ill. See if the other person abuses them or a child of theirs they stay there because they signed a “contract”. But boy does it sure sounds good when typed out.
8) Good people want to help ease another’s nerves and issues. Bad people want to stoke those fears and issues by promoting all but them to be evil so you run into their arms. Run from those who seem too eager to scare you and pointing fingers at others.
9) A way to a woman’s heart is not endless talk about toys, scenes and your local community activity. It is the equivalent of you talking about sports or how you are the only smart person where you work for an entire date. Men read what females write about and see how little specific toys or scenes are actually discussed by women. Want them to be interested in you write about your motivations, passions and vision of what you want your future relationship to be.
10) Submission only on your terms is not power exchange. When I mean your terms I do not mean overall agreed to boundaries no matter how narrow or wide but only submitting when and what each and every single time. That is called just doing what you want. There is nothing wrong with that but it has nothing to do with a power exchange life as you really are giving up zero control to the dominant who you might want to remember is half of the equation. Using the code word natural makes this sound cooler but all you do is confuse people.

12) The biggest difference in the progression of first meeting to 24/7 power exchange is when you move in together and it then does come closest to 24/7 as it can get. Proclaiming you have found your one and he is perfect is delusional until you are in that final step. We all take leaps of faith in all relationships and that is not what I am pointing out. But if you truly think your risk is not high and you take actions on it without factoring in the risk because the other is sheer perfection. No matter how many hours on the phone, days/months/years you have taken or weekends together, moving in whether long distance or not is a huge step with no guarantees. Do not make decisions that destroy your life if it does not work out. For every I moved across the country to my other and that was ten blissful years ago you will have many more I moved across the country and they are not the person I thought them to be and I am now alone, trapped and do not know what to do. Be smart have the ability to do a third option of I moved it may or may not have worked but if it did not I still did not destroy my life.
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