Basically the topic was two proposed questions to submissives. 1) How can one deal or get over if your dominant is disappointed in you? 2) How does a submissive deal with the times we get upset with our owners for something and/or communicate it with them while still being and feeling we are property?

Difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship
The answers to these questions are actually simple. For those of us in healthy relationships with both people being fairly mentally healthy is the fact we are being ourselves, do not base our relationship feelings on the last emotion and words our other has or we have and do not question our other’s devotion day in and day out.
For those in an unhealthy relationship or have unhealthy personal issues then you will see words and actions that can be almost viewed as life and death drama within their relationship.
Get over yourself dominant

For the dominants who use emotional blackmail or find themselves often questioning, often in passive aggressive manner, your slaves obedience and devotion when they do something not of your liking the issue becomes about you not them. Slaves are human they will screw up and/or do or fail to do things. As a dominant you must be able to separate the human who will not be perfect and the slave who screws up for reasons within the dynamic or their ability to serve in that way toward you.
In terms of having issues with a slave pointing out one’s possible mistakes, short comings and asking questions you feel are judgment based, if you think this is a poor slave act no matter how the slave approaches you then you could very well have self esteem issues.
Get over yourself slave
We are going to feel bad when we do something our owner thinks was wrong or causes them undue burden. But there is a big difference in thinking about what we did or did not do, take our punishment if that is in our dynamic and learning to TRY not to do it again then needing to destroy ourselves and let the whole thing become about us.
When we beat ourselves up so much to where we need our owner to calm us and make us FEEL positive they have forgiven us then it ceases to become about the issue and becomes about us and our self esteem. If we did something that was our fault that needs to be the focus of our thoughts and not turning it into making our owner feels guilty and burden them by how we handle it.
Emotional Blackmail
When it comes to these types of thoughts in the end it is good or bad depending on the intent. To use emotional blackmail by guilting your other into a desired action or emotional place is just going to blow up in our face at some point. There is a difference between pointing out and discussing a screw up with your slave and using emotional wording because you either like to see them squirm or you have taken a screw up by your slave and turned it into an indictment on your personal perfection as a dominant. There is a difference in beating oneself up over a screw up if you are a slave and beating oneself up in such a manner in order to control the situation and get what you want out of your owner.
There are two levels of beating one self up. There is the unavoidable one when we just get pissed at ourselves and hopefully for most of us we can manage that one. Then there is the beat ourselves up that I described in the above paragraph. Both the owner and slave need to recognize and deal with which one it is.
We do not role play in healthy relationships
My Master does not need to use emotions as conditional in order to control me. He never makes me feel he does not love, care and is devoted to me and our dynamic to me when any screw up he thinks I may have done happens but deals with the screw up and moves on. My Master knows he is not perfect and would never expect me to try to make him feel he is perfect by never speaking up or pointing out things that would cause him reflection.
One must be who they are and the dynamic is a way to live and not a way to change or hide another person’s personality and brain.
Dearest lin
The master and slave are in fact equal. They are interdependent as a master cannot be a master without a slave and a slave cannot be a slave without a master. Each has the power and an obligation to the other to meet their needs in the marriage.
Interdependence is healthy because each partner is mutually responsible to other as they share a common set of principles. This is especially true in a master/slave marriage where each role makes the other complete. For the marriage to work the master takes responsibility for being dominant and the slave takes responsibility for being obedient.
This may seem obvious but the critical point is that both master and slave are equally responsible to ensure that their interdependence is kept strongly intact. It is not a question of short-term right or wrong by either master or slave, it is all about the underlying need to perverse a healthy interdependence.
Hi lin
I think you will find this site interesting. I intend to train my wife in all these positions. They may be something you may wish to do for your Master.
Thank you for the website. That was certainly a lot of positions!
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