Local communities, Web sites, blogs, message boards and probably even chat rooms all do the job of promoting two of the biggest problems with learning, discussing and maybe most importantly of all understanding of the power exchange life and/or the kinky things done. What are these big problems?
1) That often what is communicated in this life is that dominant equates strong and wise and submissive equates weak and naïve. 2) Look out you poor defenseless females for those big bad dangerous dominants.
Now for most of you reading I pray that you are thinking that what I just wrote is completely stupid. I am not here to write the poor confused people probably in need of mental health help who buy into statements like those. But I am going to write how many of us who do not think that at all will though still promote these ideas subconsciously when we talk about this life.
What do you mean subconsciously?

I will be using negative tones and too much gross generalization but when reading these things ask yourself that if you were a normal person in a normal relationship would you want to be treated or thought of this way by others or when they think this is happening to you.
How we lightly throw around this word is quite alarming to me. I work in an ER I see almost on a daily basis abuse victims including children and their abusers at their lowest of the low. Understand something; these are people with very low to non existent self esteems from both the abuser and the victim. It is forged in their childhoods, their whole adult life and with a string of very poor decisions.
I am sorry for anyone who was crushed when their other cheated on them. I am sorry for anyone who got injured by a dominant going too far. I am sorry for anyone who had a very poor reaction to a kink because it brought up past abuse issues in you. But these things do not equate being abused.
Dominants that screw up once or cannot mind read what the submissive is feeling does not make him an abuser. A submissive that has low self esteem and has trouble dealing with real life is not representative of the average submissive. Are there dominants that are abusers of course just as there are submissives that are enablers but they come into the life that way. The life did not make them that way.
I will leave you with this thought on the abuse topic. It is so easy to throw this word out when discussing other people, kinks you do not partake in and commenting on isolated incidents but what if it was directed at you or your loved one. Think about that so next time you equate degradation play to abuse realize someone thinks you getting or giving a spanking is abuse as well.

We women will use these words all the time but they often get misinterpreted by men and the way we word this often makes us look like we are afraid of the world and need protecting from it. This is of course not remotely true.
What a woman means when she uses words like wanting to feel safe or protected is that we want to trust our other enough to give up control in how we normally protect ourselves from the real world. Giving our Master severe control is a scary/nervous thing even for the most experienced as it puts us in a very vulnerable position. A slave has given over most of her defenses of day to day life to their owner. It is not that we cannot protect ourselves from the world but we have given over our power to the owner to do so. So when women talk about being protected and safe we really mean can I trust my owner with that responsibility.
I think too often dominants infer this to mean we cannot or do not want to do this for ourselves from our own words communicated. What submissives really need to do when communicating on this topic is to be clear that we are perfectly capable of doing so but in order to live a total power exchange relationship that gets handed off to our owner. Just communicating that we want to feel safe and protected subconsciously comes off as I am weak and need protecting from the big bad world.
Mind play often involving humiliation and degradation play.
It is not for everybody and in fact not really for most from my observation. But just because it is not for someone or someone has a problem with it does not mean it is any more dangerous then any other type play.
I am sorry for all those who have been abused verbally and emotionally in your past and cannot handle this type of play but for many of us who have not it is just not very dangerous especially when it comes to the physical things done. Because you were susceptible to being abused and staying does not mean anyone who gets something done in the realm of kink is getting abused or will become susceptible to becoming abused.
There is a huge difference to this type of play when it is done with love and for fun then when someone is abused out of sickness and anger. When all people do is write “look out” to anything it once again paints an inaccurate picture that a submissive is weak and any dominant could very well be an abuser.

It feels absolutely incredible to find that perfect fit that we went through life without feeling when we first enter our power exchange relationship with our beloved other. So many things are different and pretty much everything has a new, better and more intimate feeling about it. As a submissive we love to communicate this as it is a huge change in our life and very much for the better.
But that does not mean we have been changed or transformed. It just means we have found the right fit with the right person and it has allowed ourselves to flourish. But so often submissives love these types of words but once again they get mangled in wrong interpretations. Too often dominants interpret this as a weak person needing to be rescued and other submissives who are miserable think the only thing they need to do is find a dominant and they will be instantly happy that there is little or no work on their end.
What can be done that we in the life communicate a more positive, healthy and realistic way about this life?
1) Stop throwing around the words safety and trust into everything that we do not like or have had a bad experience with or to protect ourselves from a non threat.
If you do not like a kink that is fine and you are welcomed to your opinion but whenever the kink is discussed all you have to offer is a worse case scenario and the health risks without any perspective then all you are doing is fear mongering and painting the picture of this life to be dangerous along with the people in it. We do not like it when regular people or people not into things we are do that and we should always be careful not to do it as well.
Trust is important but do not cheapen the word by using it as a catch all excuse to stall or the reason why a relationship failed. Throughout time men have pushed women faster then most of us have wanted. We all have dealt with this and communicating not ready or something similar is been good enough. But in this life often submissive’s use trust as a way to present a nobler phrase for not ready or destroyed my trust as the clichéd excuse. Of course there are plenty of times when trust is the reason and that is my point, it is an important thing in relationships so we not need to water it down or emphasize it so much that other important factors are ignored.
2) Stop giving super powers to our dominants and painting pictures of submissives being wrecks before being owned and transformed into incredibly happy 24/7 aroused orgasm machines once owned.
Sorry dominants out there who get off on the fix./rescue/transform vibe of power exchange. These are relationships just like any other and in the right relationship BOTH people flourish and are happier in it and both people work hard in the relationship for this to happen. I would shout from the world about how awesome my Master is for me as well but if that is all we communicate it leads to a very wrong impression that we the submissive are not bringing anything to the table.
3) Communicate better
We need to when communicating our lives and our opinions to be conscious of what we are projecting. Often we project without realizing the submissive weak and naïve while dominant is either perfect or an abuser with nothing in between. We need to stop doing this.
We need to communicate “feel safe with our owner to give up power and make ourselves vulnerable” instead of “to feel safe”. We need to call out dominants who take all the credit for anything good their submissive does or becomes or communicates that a submissive is somehow weak or broken in some way whether subconsciously or consciously.

We owe it to all the people in power exchange relationships, people looking into it for themselves and for people just wanting to get a better understanding to communicate in a more accurate and open minded way how this wonderful life is. We need to communicate that these are like any other relationships and a good one involves two mentally healthy people who are personally responsible for themselves. We need to communicate the risks involved in doing things but in a perspective that is less judgmental and hypocritical.
It is easy to want to stroke our own egos whether directly or indirectly. It is easy to revert back to a high school mentality and want to think the fewer people who are able to live like this in a healthy way makes us somehow more special. But when we indulge in such things all we are doing is giving others freedom to do the same thing and being judged is something no one wants.
1 comment:
Dearest lin
Another great post, thanks
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