This got me thinking about a dominant on the message board I read that has used the phrase “serving two masters” to describe a submissive who works and the reason he refuses to let his slave work. His personal view is when a slave has a job then that job has quite strict demands that must be met that can come before his own and that is not acceptable. Now normally I would read a phrase like that and toss it off to a cyber theorist but since I respect this man’s words I understood IN HIS LIFE that had merit but does not mean it has merit for everyone.
But to make this a little more then a submissive who works I want to expand the serving two masters theory to reflect on the reality of a total power exchange relationship of the limitations of reality and personal preferences.
Reality of life
For most people whether a slave works or does not work has little to do with the personal preference and everything to do with the ability to pay the bills.
But besides a job there are other things that happen, whether on a day to day basis or here and there, that prevents a slave being truly there for their owner or the owner having to sacrifice control or desire by something that real life will throw at a couple.
Obviously the biggest one is children. Others, like family needs and limitations of a slave because for whatever reason they are not at their best physically or only so much time in the day types things will often put an owner in a place where what they want in the moment, let alone what they are use to, is being controlled by influences other then their own.
Preferences in life will also cause multiple masters being served

The old cause and effect of life, the be careful what you ask for and the ying and the yang of it all. We are human contradictions and often or every single time what we want and what we can have is two different things.
There is a common phrase spoken by dominants and in particular poly couples looking for a third. “I want my slave to have a complete life and have interests and friends as long as it does not interfere with her duties as a slave.” This line or it’s many variations is pure cyber theorist speak as the truth is another human being will no matter how severe the power exchange level interfere with their owner’s preferred way to live day in and day out.
My future mother in law said to me that Master and I were the perfect confused couple when discussing me working. He prefers I do not work but does not care for women who do not want to work and just live off their husband. I love to work but hate when it interferes with being there for my Master. Middle ground works best for us because neither is comfortable with one way.
That is the thing with preferences they often set up occasional mini masters that have to be respected. It is easy to want your slave to have a social network so they do not need you to be their entire source of mental stimulation or entertainment. But this will require the slave to have to do things and at times that are not best suited for their owner as friendships come with responsibilities.
Tricky thing called life
The fact is we all serve multiple masters. To think one does not is quite foolish at best and very dangerous at worse. In a power exchange relationship it is not about only serving one master but to minimalize what you can and want to that causes the small masters to creep into our day to day lives. Our Master is on top and separated by miles from all the other masters in our life and the goal in a good power exchange relationship. But this takes work and logical thoughts when planning our lives together.
It is easy for an owner to try to design a life with a slave or a slave looking to keep what they have and add to their life by being owned but often this approach will not add up. Try too hard to pound it one way and a slave might easily lose focus who their true Master is or a Master might not recognize the slave they fell for.
Dearest lin
Congratulations on your wedding plans. You will be surprised how different things feel once you are married. Being married gives you a much longer time horizon (your entire life) which enables you to grow together.
It is very important that you put a lot of effort into your wedding vows. These are the foundation that your marriage rests on and will be very important later.
I wish you the greatest of happiness.
Thank you very much for your kind wishes. I am already finding out just how much deeper connected I am becomming to my wonderful Master just from that promise of commitment.
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