Degradation play often has as many if not more words against it or warnings about doing it and cool factor people pointing out the risks of many of the things done in this area without perspective. I thought I would just write a post from an unapologetic fan that not only is not harmed by this play but truly craves it.
My view of what type of play it is

Why I love it
I love this play for two reasons:
1) My true fetish is power exercised (domination) over me.
Obviously certain things that my mind has attached sexual notions to or that is just how I react will be much more prone to get a sexual response from me. So I am not saying being grabbed thrown into a room and handed paint and a brush while being told I am useless except for a painter is going to get the same affect from me in a sexual manner then being dragged into the bedroom being told I am only useful for my holes and get wham bam as hard and quick as he can then tosses me aside might.

Power exercised over me in an active sense that it would not be something I would do on my own. This gets into the difference between domination and submission that I wrote about here but we are talking about enduring or ordered directly to do things that are or are tied into sexual area in my mind. I love cooking my Master’s favorite dinner, giving him a massage and all the blow jobs he will ever want. This can make me happy and horny without a problem. But being dominated by doing or enduring things I do not like can drive me insanely aroused while often not while in the acts themselves but afterwards in processing it and sometimes this can last not only hours but days.
Degradation play is enjoyable to me because it offers such a stark contrast both mentally and physically to me. Because of the huge gap of what I am experiencing and who I know I am and how much I care for my Master is so great. There is no mistake we both know I would rather not be doing this or outright cannot stand it but the power he uses over me to be this dominant is so pure and that just destroys me in a very delicious way.
2) It is great suffering to endure for my Master to show my love and devotion to him and I enjoy that and it certainly strokes my ego and sooth my insecurity somewhat.

I have found in degradation play to be very intense in this aspect when done for an owner into this type of play. It is always mentally challenging and whether just in my mind or has some credence I have found in my experiences that lowering oneself to being degraded my owners past and present truly understand and love that I will do these things only because I love them.
The last two paragraphs may sound like a contradiction but they are not. My pleasure is the domination not the acts. Degradation play is extremely domination over me specifically because I hate doing these acts every single time. For example, I am a toilet for my Master. I cannot stand it and even after years of doing this I have yet to build any significant tolerance for it. I can handle it and therefore is not a limit as I would never want to limit my Master’s use of me by what I like or dislike. I have never wanted to or have asked my owner to use me in this way.
The act of being a toilet for my Master is awful. The fact my Master makes me be one knowing and not giving a damn is intoxicating to me and that is my craving.
Don’t you worry about emotional abuse or feel you Master thinks less of you?
These are the classic arguments you here when degradation topic or individual play types are discussed. To me this is a vacuum question in terms of it only makes sense from the eyes of the person asking it who is not being very open to different strokes for different folks.
For me only I am a big girl and would not suffer abuse. If I did not love, respect and trust my Master I would not be with him. If I did not think he loved, trusted and respects me in all aspects I would not be with him.
Do we not still love our other when we have a disagreement? Do we not still love our other when they do something selfish? Of course we do so why would we not love our other when two people are doing degradation play when both people are perfectly ok with it?
For me personally but I hope for all, regardless of the relationship dynamic, I would hope we love and respect our other is done with long term thoughts, feeling and experiences and not random snapshots in time.
I did not write this post as cool factor fodder like look how cool I am I do degradation play. Nor did I do it to promote others that they should try it. We all have are things and this is just one of mine. I cannot do breathe play for example so you will never see a post on breath play in my blog.
But I did write this to show that there are slaves in fact into being sexually and other ways degraded by their owners and that we are neither damaged or abuse victims. That doing degradation play is not going to turn a healthy person into an abuser or victim and destroy our self esteem if we have it in the first place.
Degradation play is not for everyone but for me bring it on!
Dearest lin
I allow my wife to show her devotion by adopting simple rituals that may be practiced anywhere. These give her the opportunity to show her obedience and I think of them as her doing a dance of love for me.
One of these is she must have extra ordinary good manners. She must say please or thank you in virtually every time she speaks to me. Another is she must say on my right hand side and can only hold my right hand.
While these do not have the intensity of degradation play they are an important part of her constancy of devotion. She must have the will power to be constant and the slightest slip up is correct. Of course they become habit for her but never lose their inner meaning
Thank you for the nice message. In particular I enjoyed the comment of a ritual becoming habit but not lose their meaning as that is important to communicate with people that habit just does not mean boring as often it is portrayed.
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