When getting into the power exchange life this topic just goes to another level as men debate this endlessly and with the usual finesse of doing surgery with a rusty hack saw come up with gross generalizations that just astound the brain.

Please men please discuss amongst yourselves what is nice and the best way for things as you measure the size of your cocks. The men actually walking over and talking to the women are the ones who will take us home and fuck us.
Women will decide if you are nice or not and not what you think nice is or if you are. There is a reason why sometimes the beautiful women are seen with ordinary men and people scratch their heads. The reason is because the men made the effort and pursued those women.
Women do not order men off a menu. They do ask a waiter for the best dominant man with a side of nice and are all set. Like men our options are the men who are interested in us and like it or not we are just not going to tap you on the shoulder and go I want you. We may hint up a storm or we may wait and hope but history shows a forever pattern of expecting men to make the moves.
Women in general but women who want sever power exchange relationships lust after men who are assertive. Assertive does not mean ass and it certainly can include being nice and classy. We have actual disdain and are repelled by passive men who do not show self confidence, the ability to have an opinion and cannot lead or make decisions.
It does not matter how nice and classy you are if you want to find a woman who identifies as a slave or sub with slave like tendencies as most men want bring the assertiveness and stop worrying about projecting “nice”. Let me be clear here, not projecting nice does not mean project jerk instead.
Men would you be insulted if you only thought women thought you cared about was the size of their tits?
Whenever I read about men debating nice that one note is all that I hear. It is this loud annoying one note. You of course when looking for a long term someone want a lot more then just one thing. Why do you think all women are only looking for nice when they meet you?

Are you fake?
Whenever I read or talk to men where the subject of nice comes up that is what I really hear. Because often men will reel off stories of how they specifically tried to be nice or even tried to be “jerks” like “other” men they see. In power exchange the words change to the more common I talk to this woman as an equal and not all dominant like.
Well are you intentionally or even unintentionally putting on an act and not being yourself because the woman will not respond to that. Seriously whether live or in cyber most women will get a sense if they are being played or not and that will get you the dust off. So the next time you think you want to come off as nice, come off as dominant or come off as assertive you have sent to your own mind to not be you. That will always come with a risk.
Men I know so many of you want the secret code to unlock all women as potential slaves for you. But there is none. Thinking of a way to act or specific words have a universal magic spell to cast over women that wins them over is a waste of time.
Always be yourself!

Whether you think you are nice or not do not worry and realize that is up to the woman to decide. Whether you are assertive or give off the vibe of dominance or not is also up to the women. If you project an act all that will cause is trust to be destroyed when you can no longer keep it up. If you think that you will flip a switch and turn from super vanilla man to super dominant man in your personality that is not going to happen. Acting a role either before or after will not cut it.
So please stop worrying about if women want to see this and just be yourself. What do you care if a woman does not want you if you show who you truly are. Think of it as a blessing of time not wasted because you played them with an act. It just takes one special woman for you and I guarantee you that woman will find you nice and all dominant like for who you are and not what you project.
Stop worrying about style when communicating and spend that time working on the substance of the communications. Nice guys do not finish last but actors playing do.
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