Of course there are people out there that take two seconds of creative thinking and decide being dominant means being overbearing and rude and of course a person that does that could be abusive. But to label anyone who has a domineering personality as a fake dominant and/or an abuser is beyond lame and no different if I and others wrote all the men who cannot rule with passion and claim to never have to raise their voice as fake and unbelievably wimpy losers.

One slave’s love of a domineering Master
I am a TPE slave that has a fetish for power being used on me. I do not think taking those two bits of information that I am all not that opposed to being controlled and love living with a man who has no issue of how to express his power over me. Whether physical, mental or verbal I have a thing for it. It makes me feel more submissive and it flat out turns me on. It is all good.
So this is one slave that digs a domineering personality. A man who will act passionately, be demanding and overbearing. To me these are the spice of life; help greatly with the atmosphere of TPE. Maybe what makes domineering so hot to me that it feels to me way more natural to be with a domineering man when things that constitute TPE and/or kinky happen. It can feel so much more natural when it comes off in the same or very similar personality then when a more demanding personality from another type pops out.
I like polite requests that we both know are orders and compliments like any other person but not all the time. I am in a power exchange relationship let me live it that way. I am not in a cool contest or look how well trained I am by slight verbal commands and anticipating needs is somehow equated to be some arbitrary sign of the greatness of a Master.

Give me the man who just tells me to shut up if I am talking his ear off then invoking some talk protocol number. Let me feel what he might be feeling it helps me comply and turns me on. Give me a man who sometimes just grabs my arm or my hair and forces me to where he wants me to be out of a natural move instead of someone who makes it feel like it is a planned scene because it probably is. Give me a man that can communicate to me in no uncertain terms he knows I am his and is going to do what he wants with me and not a man who acts like he thinks I am his and needs my constant approval in what he orders. Give me a man who does something to me and his only reactions was acknowledging his enjoyment in doing it and/or what he might do next time to enjoy it more then a man who uses the word scene and needs to know how and why I enjoyed it. Give me a man
I am a grown up woman. I can determine what is best for me. I know when I am happy and what turns me on and I know when I am unhappy and being treated poorly. Domineering does not mean making the receiver unhappy and treated poorly. Treating power exchange by being dispassionate and “cool” whenever does not mean automatically being a good and safe Master.
Being domineering because one thinks that how one should act is lame. But it is also lame to think not being domineering is how one should act. For this slave give me a domineering man like the one I have. His personality is just one of the many things that I love and turns me on.
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