Mean title for people I have a true disdain for. These are all the full of it people who are truly pathetic and dangerous human beings in this life that for total selfish reasons that can vary need to portray themselves as not only all knowing but also know all others and surprise all others seem to be very bad people. These men are so screwed up or just plain old desperate that they have resorted to having to tear all others down to feel good about themselves or to get pathetic narcissistic ego fixes.

The grand sketch of such a loser
Age: Usually over the age of forty but primarily will be found in their fifties and sixties.
Relationship Status: Usually single but plenty in long term relationships that they will admit to. What they will lie about is that these relationships are not M/s but very mild D/s or not power exchange at all and they or their spouse has lost complete interest in the more fun aspects of the relationship such as sex and BDSM.
Motive: To either snare a much younger woman then they could never possibly expect to or to score some narcissistic ego fix by thinking only they can help an inferior submissive woman or another who I show the light and agrees with my exact views and ways makes me awesome.
Ways they go about this:
It can be just one to all of the following means.

2) Promote themselves as selfless human beings that just enjoy helping women new to the life – This is the classic wolf in sheep’s clothing approach. Often use phrases like “I feel obligated as an experienced Master to share my knowledge”, “I have seen so many bad Masters and seen so many women after they have abused them that I feel the need to help” and “my only motive and enjoyment is to help”.
3) Want to just be your friend – They just want to help you out. This tact is usually used by the men who especially seek out the damaged or at least they think is damaged woman.
4) Mentor propaganda – These men push mentors as being the only way you can learn and be safe. Any women should always first have a mentor and learn from them and are they not just the generous type to offer to do that for them.
The actual tools:
1) Anecdotal Evidence – They always know of women who were abused and/or found themselves in a hospital. These women always were with men that were a) younger b) not as experienced c) not a part of their local community.
2) Personal Experiences – These men seem to have experienced everything in their life. Come across every problem and found a solution. Have mastered every possible kink with years if not decades of experience. They have helped countless women all superior then they were before they left him for just the coolest reasons.
3) Prey on wounded, scared and mistrusting women by actually feeding their fears of this life, their own issues like making poor choices and help feed all their insecurities. Then fool them into thinking they have found someone who has their best interest in mind and start their narcissistic feeding frenzy.
The actual damage and destruction they breed:

2) There the primary promoters of limited paths. There entire self value is feeling superior to others and for others to believe and do what they say. It is not that what they usually have to say is bad. But it is bad when what they have to say is though communicated by it is the only way and done by fear anything else.
3) They are more likely to be abusers then the people they are calling abusers are. Abusers are weak self esteem challenged, same as many of these men. They often seek out weak women and get them to depend on them and feed off believing they are better then these women, same as many of these men. They often make a women feel low and think they are stupid and cannot trust their own instincts and experiences, what do think these men are doing when they feel the need to help and protect vulnerable women? Are then all or many of these men abusers? Hell no. But I am just writing I willing to bet their pool has the same percentage of abusers if not higher then any other group they point a finger at.
4) They force good people from both roles and genders to waste time and potentially screw up their own personal best path. Instead of doing actual good in taking their years of experience and leaving it at that they attack all who are not them and people have to waste their time dealing with them in all types of places we discuss this life.
Always remember it is your own path not another’s
So are all men over fifty and enjoy sharing their experiences, like younger women and helping people evil. No not by a long shot. But the men I am talking about are very easy to spot from the good guys. They do not share what THEY know and leave it at that. They share what they think they know and tell people it is the only way. They do not just share and help if asked. They feel responsible and the need to share and help the less fortunate. They are not selfless like they promote themselves. They are extremely selfish and want to feed on their intended victims.

People that help others help calm them, help open their eyes and calm their fears. They do not shout fire holding an empty gasoline can and a lighter in one hand and a hose in the other.
Your path is your path. Do not let other people tell you there is only a few and especially one.
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