May 30, 2008


I want to apologize for not posting as much as I have been. I knew I would not keep up the pace I was but even then and now my desire is to post several times a week. I know it is free and neither you reading this or me are under any obligation but I just know personally I hate when I click on a blog or any other site expecting something and for nothing or very little to materialize.

Excuses or any other reasons are in the end meaningless but I write this post today just to communicate I should be picking up the pace shortly and unusual outside influences were the biggest reason for the lack of posts. I have very much enjoyed writing this and have opened many interesting discussions with some friends who read this and was especially nice to re-connect with a former good friend in a former local community who just happened to stumble onto my blog. It has been nice to re-connect to her again and because of her I was able to give my Master one heck of a birthday present he is still talking about.

So look for things to pick up again shortly and appreciate everyone who stumbles on to my blog and any regular readers. I am going to close out my Random Musings log and post those type things on this one. I will also re-post some of my favorites from there over time so not to look like I am real lazy.

Thanks again and may all of you have positive things going on and minor or no bad things.


May 29, 2008

Need Use!

I was going to save this topic for when I had the time and write one of my more long winded and will probably still do that. But in this post after reading a comment from an anonymous slave on one of my other posts who so perfectly wrote “I'm not a trophy, to sit on a shelf gathering dust. A slave is meant to be used, in the ways most pleasing to her Master.” I could not get this out of my mind so what I intended to write got merged with this thought.

In my mind near or top of the list in common mistakes both in the thought I was doing something good and unconscious did not take notice of that dominants can often be guilty of is backing off from using their slave. The two most common examples being out of caring and love they do not use their slave as much or severely for a multitude of reasons or everyday outside world and regular couple stuff overwhelms us and before one knows it one or both in the relationship are thinking what the heck happen and are struggling.

This happen to me recently as I had a tough stretch both in time used up and emotional body punches as my grandmother became gravely sick without notice (She is doing ok right now) and between time spent visiting her, making up shifts at work and dealing with the emotions left me in not normal places. This unfortunately caused my Master to back off his use of me out of love for me which is great but just piled on to my difficulties.

Did I realize what was happening? Not necessarily at the beginning but at some point while taking stock I realized this was happening and was a big catalyst toward not being the best I could be for these circumstances that I was dealing with and for that matter all of us go through from time to time.

Know the differences between regular tired and not being able to function fully tired that puts one at risk.

Being used can be physically tiring and even sometimes mentally tiring but it is such a good tiring feeling. We are not wired the same as regular people. If I am just tired because of a few hours less sleep or a more demanding day that is just life and does not mean I cannot and especially do not want to cook a labor intensive meal or be tormented for my Master’s pleasure. These things are pleasures in my life why take those away from me when I am just tired. We do not fail to go into work, do our “normal” stuff when tired well as a slave these things are our NORMAL things.

Then there is tired to a level or doing something will put us into a level of where there is risk to our health. Then of course it is our Master’s responsibility to manage that situation. That comes from knowing us, what we have incurred and what the near future holds. For example, if your slave has had a very tiring week for whatever reason and you know they have another similar week ahead the dominant would be stupid to plan a weekend of energy draining activities and/or cause less sleep for their slave.

Being used gives us emotional energy

Again it is such a natural thought that when we suffer and serve our Master it is difficult some way because of our reactions or the dominant thinking if it was them what would they want but slaves are not dominants or regular people.

Being used as a slave gives us emotional energy. In fact it is very much the fuel that feeds us. One does not take away food and water from a sick person in order to make them better! Being used is what we are about. As the anonymous poster wrote we are not hear to gather dust.

Slaves need and are built for use

Being used in our slave capacity makes us the most happy otherwise we would not be one. Take away our use we will feel out of place, less submissive, and feel uncertainty creep into our relationship. We are not just bottom players and use whether regular, kinky or sexual is not solely about reward or orgasms. It is simply a much deeper and positively affects us in everything we do.

I am a slave when I communicate I am tired and my Master knows it just is regular tired it is purely for communication of information. I am not a regular woman trying to get a meal out or using it as an excuse not to have sex. I am a slave and fixing dinner and being your personal porn star whore is still a pleasure and far healthier for me then me thinking is he doing something just because he thinks that is what I want. I am a slave. I do not control my other by using coded/loaded words to get something. That is simply topping from the bottom and that is as yucky for a slave as it is a Master.

As I found out no matter how perfect we think our other is or how much experience one might have it can be easy to confuse when it is needed to back off on a slave’s use and when one could in fact benefit greatly from the normalcy of that use because that is why we call ourselves slaves.

May 21, 2008

What’s Assertive Got To Do With It

First I want to apologize for not posting in awhile. I had a family emergency that had me back in Taipei and was not in the position or mood to write anything.

One of the big hypocrisies that happens when some people discuss this life is far too often is when a submissives is painted to look like they are weak and passive human beings but at the same time are painted to be super obedient and are wanted to anticipate needs and things done to the best with acknowledgment of human limitations. Of course these two things simply do not fit together.

Being assertive and being submissive are not mutually exclusive

Generally, when these things are being discussed there are always one or more people who tend to bring up the question “can one who is assertive also be submissive?”

The answer is actually a simple, duh, of course! In fact is not being assertive pretty much an admired and coveted characteristic for all human beings? The fact is being assertive means being proactive in what one is doing and all dominants kind of dig a slave who is taking their submission and what it requires seriously with conscious effort.

For example, which is preferred a slave who receives directions to plan and prepare for having another couple over for dinner and goes about doing it with only asking a few important questions or one who asks a million questions out of not being able or being afraid to do anything on there own? One is serving in a proactive way and the other has turned their brain off and causing a lot of work and energy onto their Master.

Assertive does not mean selfish or aggressive

Being able to speak up is a good quality. Speaking in a bad tone or something that goes against the agreed upon dynamic is a totally different thing. For example, in questioning a punishment it is one thing to say “could you please expand on your thoughts on why I am being punished Master” then saying “I think I do not deserve to be punished and that if you do punish me then you are doing something wrong”.

Communication and being proactive is good. If horny and wanting to be played with or have sex to ask or doing things that express such sentiment is good. Copping an attitude or questioning the relationship just because you end up not getting played with or having sex when you wanted is selfish.

Let us be real here

Most of the male population enjoys from a small to great level of having a female be dependent on them. To be that person we can rely on for solving our problems or doing things we are ignorant of or do not have the capabilities to do. In many ways when doing such things for us that they are very much acts of love they are showing. For example, I can but dread taking my car in for service but my Master will not allow me to do it but will always do it. To me that is an act of love.

In addition to these things men enjoy very much, so do women, seeing things done by their other that are done expressing I am doing this just for you out of love and caring for you. One does not get that warm fuzzy feeling from the person being so passive and needing so much specific directions or have to get important information out of the other is like pulling teeth. Doing things in an assertive manner in the power exchange area is in fact the lubrication that is needed to show these are in fact acts expressing our love and devotion.

We get what we deserve

Whenever I hear that slaves are not or cannot be assertive I feel sorry because the people who think that are truly headed for a fall. We simply will only find in the end what we believe is there.

So a slave who thinks they cannot be assertive will only find dominants interested in a slave who they see or need to be unassertive. Dominants who think slaves are unassertive and weak will only find this in slaves that are willing to put up with them. The problem is these are damaged souls who cannot deal with mentally healthy other’s and search out defective people like themselves as a way to self medicate.

Being assertive is a good thing that most of us have in some degree and is not some special trait a dominant has and a submissive lacks.

May 7, 2008

Love and Respect

Two words that seem so simple and harmless yet often can be wielded like weapons in life. Some use it to take what they want from another “If you love me” or “Show me some respect”. Some use it as an imaginary shield to protect themselves from being hurt “I will only do that for the person who loves and respects me”.

My Mom is a sociologist and in my lifetime I think I have heard her express herself in the same way a thousand times when seeing or discussing anything about different cultures or just people in general. She will basically say “You cannot observe and understand anyone else if all you do is view things through your own perspective and values but have to understand them through their own perspective and values.”

Often when I hear the same questions/statements of “How can a person do that to a person they love and respect” or “How can you live life not being loved or respected” so many times from my time in this life that my Mom’s answer always rings in my head like she is screaming it in my ear. I thought I would try something a little different then my normal post and write something to explain how someone like me is loved and respected by my Master. For many of you this will be head nodding time and maybe for a few other who are confused or trying to understand their path or someone else that a peek into my head might help.

Love and respect on our terms

I am a slave. This does not make me weaker and lesser of a human being to anyone else. It also does not make me stronger or better then anyone else as well. It is just the best fit for me in life.

I am a slave. It means I live a different life then from most others. It is not a life of hardship and selfless sacrifice. It is a life that just gives me the best possibility to pursue and sometimes embrace the feeling of happiness. I am as selfish and greedy as the next person. Acts you may see me perform or endure are not selfless at all but serve the bigger purpose of my selfishness in the way I want to live and feel.

I do not respect and obey my Master out of fear. I obey him out of my love and respect I have for him as a person, our chemistry we have together, his values, personality and how he treats me. My Master does not order me around and cause me great suffering at his whim because he does not love or respect me for I would not be with him. My Master orders me around and causes my suffering out of love and respect for me as he knows, accepts and embraces that I need and enjoy very much him to do such things for himself.

Love and respect are not expressed in universal agreed upon actions. For many women coming home to an unexpected freshly clean house, nice dinner in the oven and your man greeting you at the door with flowers would be a great show of love and respect. For a slave like me, while that would not suck on many levels would also have levels of disappointment and anxiety; I would greatly prefer to meet him at the door with the house spotless, his favorite meal in the oven and his beverage of choice.

I am a slave so when a non slave might see disrespect, no love and possible abuse when seeing my Master inflict pain on me even though I am not masochistic, make me drink his piss even though I dislike the taste and eat a meal from a bowl on the floor I actually feel loved and respected because my Master is embracing and showing devotion to our mutually agreed upon dynamic.

I am a slave. I am not wired to want my other to always want my opinion let alone consider or cater to my desires in the in the now moments such as where to eat or what movie to see. My Master doing that is in fact not loving me or showing respect. Loving me is for my Master to pick the place or the movie of his preference or care for my opinion and maybe use it or not when he wants to.

I am a slave I am do not want to be made love to like my orgasm is the number one priority of the interaction. I want my Master to get off the most enjoyable way for him at the time. Whether it is lighted candles, long foreplay, gentle thrusts and build up and long cuddles afterwards or wham bam as quick and hard as he can roll over and fall asleep makes no difference to me as long as it is what he wants.

Please take all normal men who show love and respect through commonly accepted ways for yourselves. They leave me cold and full of anxiety. Give me the domineering, sadistic and devilish Master I have now and hopefully will have forever. He knows, accepts and embraces that treating me the way he treats me like I have mentioned above is showing love and respect for me and the regular common ways would show he does not love or respect me at all.

I am a slave not a regular person wanting some role play.

May 5, 2008

Sorry, A Personal Site Rant

Perpetual Motion Self Fulfilling Prophecy

Why does this bug me?

When I log on the personal site/message board that I am active on my settings are to have a random profile pop up. This I am now starting to feel like is the equivalent of trying not to look at something but because you are trying it just makes it worse and you end up reading these random profiles.

I do not know why and know it should not but reading them get on my nerves. Case in point, I just read a profile from a thirty-five year old submissive woman. I think she may have had the stereotype profile for about 50% of all submissive women looking online.

In her profile she only writes about what she exactly wants to maybe possibly if the stars align perfectly in the kink area within a small context of power exchange and then goes into not wanting to do any of this full time with a Dom. Then what does she write, well of course several paragraphs describing her Mr. Forever Right One and make no mistake her words clearly are meant to let the men know Mr. Right must come first. Then like many, her journal entries are filled with negativity as all the men who have contacted her are losers.

Well sweetie they will all be losers to you but it is because of the reflection in the mirror! This woman wants specific but zero commitment on her end kink and maybe a tad power exchange but mainly wants Mr. Right on a fucking Power exchange personal site! I am just going to throw this out, but the I am looking for long term opposites on a site like this are just kind of by definition looking for a real power exchange relationship of some type with commitment to it. Why would a serious dominant give a woman like this the time of day so she only ends up with the losers contacting her. It is like looking for a Jewish man on a Catholic personal site!

Look I do not mean to bash my fellow women as there are a ton of men who are just as bad. To me the parallel being the man who wants a kink friendly 1950’s wife but will bring nothing to the table on his end to these women as they all type out profiles based on poorly thought out fantasies or think they might be drawn to power exchange because of their experiences in vanilla. Dominant men looking for a woman who does not control them by emotions and shows love the way they respond to and women looking for an outgoing leader types.

I also know that for the most insanely idiotic reasons people, especially women, still refuse to be open and honest with others out of fear of being hurt or looking foolish. That a woman I started off describing really does want a long term committed power exchange relationship but is just playing cool about it because she is too scared to be honest.

Well to all the women who are out there like this, here is some tough love:

If you cannot be honest with yourselves let alone with others about your true desires and what you are truly looking for in the secrecy of cyber space you have no chance there or anywhere else. Most of you are well beyond high school so stop acting like you are still in high school. It is not cool and totally unproductive to play the bait/switch, fear of not looking cool and good girls cannot be into this type games.

If you truly want a good man who is dominant well they are going to want a woman who is committed to being submissive and that is not only when and where you feel submissive on your terms but agreed upon levels and areas within an ongoing relationship. The first is role playing which is fine but understand how stupid your search is looking for a fellow role player all the while looking for an honest real man.

Why do these women bother me when I am not a man or single?

It is simple, my time in local communities and on the Internet searching for my one or just hanging out I have to deal with the massive baggage these women leave on the rest of us. I have to deal with the dominants who do not believe words we write, make stupid demands to try to eliminate them but just eliminate themselves and that feeds itself and the most important that too much garbage gets put out there based on trying to woo these women who in the end will never be wooed.

The men out there that come off as losers (not totally losers as there are a lot of them as well but so easy to spot) are because too many of us women cannot be honest with ourselves and for no good reason cannot communicate in an honest and real way toward a man. The byproduct is the loser man who tries to manage an impossible maze that they start to feel they cannot win.

It is the perpetual motion self fulfilling prophecy that in my opinion has become a monster consuming this life.

May 3, 2008

Being Shared Sexually

Warning the following post is all about an owner loaning, sharing and any other term to describe an owner ordering their slave to do something sexual with another person not of their direct choosing. I know this is not for most people and just the thought colors opinions greatly. For those who have no interest, only view this in a very negative way and are quick to judge then reading this will be a waste of your time. You are entitled to your opinion but it does not make it absolute fact.

Mention this topic anywhere and one must be prepared for an influx of negativity, instant judgment and pretty much constant talk of imagined worse case scenarios. I have wanted to write on this topic pretty much since the start of this blog but waited until now just for those reasons and wanted to build up a library showing that I am a sane human being. I have been a slave for now well over a decade and have given power over to all my owners in letting them share me with who they want with certain safety precautions. Because of this I wanted to write on this topic based on a person who has done it and not out of fear, negativity and judgment of pure theory that often are the one’s who control the direction of such a topic.

Obviously since I am open to this dynamic this post will be bent in the positive tone. Without filling the entire post with constant disclaimers here are three disclaimers that go for this entire post.

1) I believe this is something that most people are not meant to do.
2) I do believe that a person either has it in them or not. One maybe who has it in them might need a lot of things to happen to get to do this but there is just not a switch in every human being’s brain that can be turned on to get them to do it.
3) I will use some colorful and positive words of my experiences. By no means because of those words do I think that makes me a better or cooler person let alone submissive. Certainly by no means do I think this is something that should be tried until it blows up in a person’s face either.

Why would a female submissive agree to do this?

I will write the same question for the dominant and with both I will explore two areas.

Purely Sexual: Hey women like sex too and there are women who are not hung up on monogamy. Just do some research on the swinging/hedonist life and see no shortage of women openly embracing this way of life. Plus many women who are more naturally drawn to willing to have sex with others can have societal guilt feelings to overcome and one way that this can be accomplished is to be order to by your Master.

Power Exchange: As any human being and maybe more so with a female who we choose to be sexual with is a very personal thing and then throw in when we have given our heart to one in particular person then sex with another person can be a powerfully intense thing. As a slave and in a mutual agreed upon severe power exchange relationship my desire is to give as much power over to my Master that I can and to limit conditions and limits of my Master using this power.

Certainly then for many of us that can, giving over the power of who we will do something or all things sexual with is a tremendous showing of love, trust and devotion to our owner. Certainly for me personally it there is not a close second in terms of doing this act only for my love and devotion to my owner on such an intense and emotional mind frame.

In terms of enjoyment the pleasure, if any, that comes from the physical acts is totally irrelevant. This is the ultimate act of power exercised over me. This is domination in the most intimate form. There is no getting around it my body is his to play with. Does one get actual pleasure from the event I will write about later. But for me make no mistake that dichotomy of dread and fear combined with doing it with passion to please and show my love and devotion and then seeing how pleased or turned on my Master gets by doing this to me is in incredible feeling. The actual experience can truly be awful but afterwards reliving it along with a positive reaction from my Master will open the flood gates to intense arousal.

Why would a male dominant agree to do this?

Power Exchange: As I wrote in the section above giving your other your body for use like this is certainly a severe level of control and power over another person. Because of this certain dominants are going to be into this. All acts are not the same. Ordering your slave to cook a certain meal is not going to have the same affect as ordering to blow another man. Within the power exchange dynamic that type of intensity can be a turn on with a dominant in using the power given the dichotomy as with a submissive.

Then there is the acts of seeing of a Master seeing their slave perform such a deeply personal and very tough act to do only for the love and devotion of them. That is what I have seen the most personally as a motivation. As I have written often a slave shows their love and devotion not in doing the things they love or would do anyway but in doing things they would not normally do and/or dislike doing but want or need to do them for their owner. My experiences when my owners have exercised this power over me that my willingness to do it just for them was an incredible feeling for them to experience.

I remember my first time doing it. I was owned by a couple who loaned me out for a weekend to another couple. I came back all petrified and scared to death they would treat me differently and think way less of me because I had done it. But when I came home they gave me such a warm welcome and aftercare that they were touched immensely that I would do this for them and it certainly set off intense sexual events for the following days.

Purely Sexual: There are people that truly get off in seeing or knowing their other is having sex with other people. I was totally blown away when I was introduced to the swinging/hedonist community and having conversations about this subject and seeing it first hand.

I have seen or heard about it from two reasons. The first is look at it like a man who loves to be seen with his beautiful wife when she is dressed to impress or maybe on a beach with a barely there bikini. They get turned on knowing people are looking and lusting after her. Well letting another fuck them is just taking to the next step. It is somewhat like you just get a taste but I get this whenever I want.

The other which floored me when I saw this for my own eyes is there are people who just flat out get turned on and get off in seeing or knowing their other is getting fucked silly. I think most would assume men push their woman into the hedonist community just so they can play with others but my experience was many enjoyed events more from a spectator of seeing their woman being used sexually. In fact just do a Google search and type hot wife and find just how this can in fact be a big thing with a man.

Myths of this type of play

1) Males dominants who want this power outnumber female submissives willing to give them this power.

My experience is just the opposite. There are more women open to exploring this area with at least many constraints or few then men who would like this power. This is just a very different situation and mental acts then what this often gets tied into which is the man wanting to play with another female.

2) The Master is going to turn there slave into a disease infested whore.

I will answer this with the same answer I always do when people use worse case scenarios. Just who in the hell are you serving or how dumb do you think other human beings are? I am not giving over power like this to someone who I do not love, trust and devoted to just as I would not be with if they did not love, trust and are devoted to me. They have just as much motivation to keep me healthy as I do.

Yes, there are risks in this type of play and one of the main reasons why many would not even entertain the thought of this type of play. But as I wrote in this post there are risks in most things we do and it is about accepting the risk we do take and minimalizing the risk and not just pretending the risk we do take are somehow “better” risks then other people’s choices.

3) Reality is different then erotic fiction.

For the life of me I do not understand why people use vivid imaginations and ideas from erotic fiction they read then translate that to what really happens. I have never had another man outside of my owner fuck me without a condom. Gangbangs that I have done were with hedonist friends not strangers picked off the streets lined up out the door.

Of course there are other things done that have had more risk but still most reading this were not virgins when they met their other. Saying you love one another before fucking is not a medical solution to eliminate risks.

4) Just because they do does not mean they are always doing it.

People just love to believe that when people are in any non monogamous relationship that means on a daily or weekly basis sex with strangers is happening but that is just not the case.

I remember on close friend who was quite conservative had more sexual partners in one year then I had being owned and shared. My personal experience has been all over the map to being used a lot this way to be used occasionally this way. It, or at least certainly for me, is not the quantity but the giving and acceptance that my owner has this power over me.

A peek into my experiences

1) Before actual sex.

Always nerve racking if I know or think I know ahead of time. Obviously when owned to people active in hedonist lifestyle there were events, destinations and parties where is was not if but who and when but I have also been prepared well ahead of time that I would be doing something or it has come shockingly out of the blue. I remember one day coming home from a class and my Mistress just inform me there was a man in my bedroom I was to entertain for example.

2) The actual time spent with other including the sex.

This ranges the broad spectrum of human contact. From the awful and incredibly boring to a really good time but in my experiences one on one private situations tend to be about just getting through it and trying to make sure the other person enjoys me and our time together.

My first owners had a friend who always stayed with us and got use of me when he was in town. He was a sweet guy and absolute stud so I must say I enjoyed his stays. Then there was a weekend I was loaned out to three men at a hunting cabin that was the most awful boring weekends of my life.

3) After the event.

The first few times I have done it with my different owners it is always nerve racking until I get some feedback. Once I know I have pleased them and/or see the pleasure they get from doing this to me then that is the time the sexual objectification, humiliation and degradation I have experienced translates into arousal for me and it is often quite intense.

When used a lot by my first owners this way the less dread or aftercare was needed by them on me but always some was needed. I very much have always needed to know soon after that I am loved and even if the reason I was loaned out was on the cold side that was not the main benefit for me to be owned by them.


As I wrote in the beginning this type of play is not for most. For me personally I am glad I can do this for my Master but not something I need in my life. But I just wanted to write something not tainted with fear and negative judgment and to get some peek at the people who actually do things of this nature can be sane and stable people.

May 1, 2008

Experience: The Big Nothing

Warning the following post might come off as very snarky and negative toward dominant men who regardless the reason they do it promote their experience and the importance of experience as phenomenally important and special. I will not say my snarky negativity on this topic would be misinterpreted because that is exactly my intention to deflate this concept.

In my time in local communities and other public communications maybe the most guaranteed thing to come across is dominant men who consider themselves experienced metaphorically shouting from an imaginary pedestal just how special and important that is. Conversely at the same time want all submissive women to know how bad and dangerous men who have no experience are.

Of course life is only slightly a billion times more complex then some generic word experience in how it gets tossed around. It also fails to hold up to any semblance of logic, is a put down to all submissives because it insinuates we can not look out for ourselves and it wrongfully tries to trump so many other more important compatibility issues. In fact just the mere attempt to take an intangible thing like experience and use it to try to make something that is inherently intangible (finding our other) tangible is a joke in itself.

Why promoting experience in this way is so stupid?

Here is a list of things one can be “experienced” with and what will emerge as a pattern to why trumping experience to be vitally important is so obnoxiously stupid and self serving.

1) “I have years of being involved in my local community for years. I have taught seminars on impact play and bondage. I can give you references from many people who I have demonstrated on”

What does this have to do with a power exchange relationship? All this states is a person who already knows how to play with some of the toys and they behave well in front of others. Well for the life of me I do not know a submissive woman in a relationship going “We have so little in common and do not enjoy being around each other, but that does not matter because he knows how to play with the toys from the first time we met.”

Also, being safe with others is just that being safe with others. Couples do 99% of things together in private and we all know people can act far different in private then in public. I work in an ER and have to deal with abusers and abuse victims far too often and most act like gentle selfless people.

Stating you play nice in a public setting does not make people who do not play in public settings dangerous by deduction. My Master makes me feel the safest I have ever felt in my life and had never done anything in public in his life of this nature.

2) “I have trained and been with a certain amount of slaves over a certain amount of years.”

The question a woman like me would ask would of course be “How come none of them stayed with you or why cannot you pick the right one for yourself?”

Do you see women lining up around the block from a man proud to communicate “I have been divorced four times.” Most of us would not call such a person an expert at marriage and in fact most of us would question if they had even one clue about marriage.

Volume does not translate to expertise.

3) “I have only been in one relationship with my wife for a certain amount of years.”

Now I will be less snarky on this one because it would be considered an asset to me personally for someone to tell me this. At the same time though what this person had with their one slave does not mean they can have with another person or anything else that is somehow transferable to be tangibly important over many other aspects.

For example, in one local community I was active in there was a man offering $100 to anyone who witnessed one particular couple communicate anything along the lines of power exchange dynamic outside of top/bottom play only. They passionately thought of themselves as Master/salve but none of us saw anything including plenty of public and private parties and often words to convey any sense of obedience from her were sarcastically slammed down by her as a no way in hell I am like that reaction.

One great relationship you had does not mean you will be a great Master with anyone.

4) The constant attempt to paint new people and/or others who are not active in local communities to be extremely dangerous.

This is by far my biggest slam on dominants who directly or even indirectly promote this concept. It has only become worse since I found my Master who never participated in a local community and only had ever done top/bottom bedroom type stuff.

For one it is a huge put down on a submissive female like me. Basically since puberty women have had to learn to take care of themselves and be able to learn and tell a safe man from a dangerous man. Obviously some women fail at this but for the most part most of us are pretty darn good at it. Why men who have never experienced aggressive people of the opposite sex who are always physically having the ability to overpower us think they have better observational powers in this area is completely beyond me.

Second this simply holds zero logic. Everyone has to get experience somehow. If new people are dangerous because they are simply new that means by logical default the windbags who preach that garbage were dangerous and therefore could still be dangerous. But of course ask them and they will tell you some noble story that shows that was not the case with them. Guess what, that is probably a true story but the giant hypocrite inside them refuses to believe that people they know nothing about might also learn in a very safe way.

5) The old scare tactic “I have seen or heard so many horror stories of new dominants sending someone to the ER.”

This is the classic use vague anecdotal evidence to make anything that a person says more believable. Well I have spent most of my career working in an ER and out of around the ten cases I have seen over the years come into the ER that were BDSM related only one was from a clueless couple. All others were long time couples who failed to remember their age or became over confident got themselves in trouble.

I see the same idiotic argument with people who ride motorcycles. Some sort of build up of false bravado as ask pretty much any rider about the dangers and they almost always say the same thing, it is really only dangerous for the inexperienced and foolish people. Well the many riders who I have seen wheeled into my place of work and almost all of them that can respond will give one of two replies. 1) I cannot believe I did that. 2) It was some idiots fault. They almost all claim years of riding and if idiots do cause crashes then that is something one cannot eliminate completely by experience.

When people use this experience angle it is obnoxiously self serving and ill logical. Often that is what a submissive is going to see as well.

In a nicer way why experience is not more important than or as important as anything else when a submissive goes looking for their long term one.

Look at it this way, ask anyone about any type of relationship dynamic out there the same question “what is important for the relationship to be a good one?” and you will not get one answer that will include experience in the answer. The reason being is there are a lot of important compatibility factors that go into making a good and healthy long term relationship go.

Just off the top of my head a couple needs to be compatible in areas like how they want to live, where they live, children, how to raise children, enjoy being around each other, enough common interests to want to be around each other enough, relationship dynamics and in a power exchange relationship a specific way in that area. There are most certainly a lot more then what I just listed.

The fact that a submissive is automatically eliminate anyone who is looking for a slave for long term who does not have “experience” is to severely limit the available pool.

In addition to this, in a big way no matter if one or both have a ton of direct experience when we get with someone new we start over building trust and finding what is going to work between the two people.

Finally, for many people like me, why would I eliminate a person who might be my long term other based on a criteria that is easy to fix when so many other things that are key are either there or not.

No, I am not bashing experience

I think experience can only be an asset and one that a person should mention as a positive. I just believe it is not only an error in judgment but depending on how you communicate this belief can be incredibly arrogant, self serving and insulting to pretty much everyone.

What I do think experience is a good thing is for two reasons.

1) Experience shows that a person has sustained in interest in at least some aspects and reduces the odds it is a flight of fancy type thing with the person. The gung ho then settle after awhile in a regular relationship can happen but in my opinion there are plenty of signs well before you commit to a long term situation to not obsess over this fact.

2) A person with experience in the toys might let the people go deeper faster IN THAT AREA when they start in that area. Not really relevant when talking about a long term relationship.

My personal experience

When I met William he had only some top/bottom bedroom play that was totally conditional stuff. He had literally no experience in power exchange or doing anything in the kinky area where the other did not get off on it in the moment.

But we hit it off on so many other levels that the time for us to grow together in this particular area was meaningless. He liked the fact I would debate him on subjects we disagreed on while still being perfectly obedient. He was drawn to my passion for my job. I was drawn to his perfect personality and the fact hero worship was not his goal but a natural enjoyment of controlling another and feeling his clear passion for the more kinky things.

Master William is not some special man. He is an ordinary man who is special for me and I hope vice versa. It not only took months for us to trust each other, to learn about and from each other in all things including the kinks but we are closing in on two years together and still a work in process to where we want to be of just the things we know about.

Despite my experience and his natural sadism it took months for us to do extensive things our play with more dangerous toys. Despite my love of all things watersports it took him months to trust my words and for him to indulge without worry in that area. I personally learned I would not want to trade any of these experiences and building up of things if William had previous experience and we could have moved maybe faster.

The same with the power exchange dynamic. If anything I think it helped greatly that William had no experience. Instead of trying to jump to a destination we it might have been easier or more on the front of our minds to explore every nook and cranny and see what works best for both of us.

I look back and while there was a lot of hours reassuring each other and endless test runs that one or both got nothing from but they were totally worth it because when you are a fit with another and that extra special thing is there it breeds a feeling like one I have never felt certainly.


It is not that experience is neither an asset nor a person who prefers experience in their other that is the problem when the term is brought up. The problem is promoting experience as some sort of vital ingredient when it takes so many ingredients to make a successful relationship work.

For most people with a mature and healthy outlook in life, experience is not going to be a make or break factor and to also include fear in promoting experience is somewhat insulting to us. Look at it this way male dominants, when you go looking for your long term someone do you eliminate a woman based on them having short hair all the while knowing they can grow it out? I think not.