This happen to me recently as I had a tough stretch both in time used up and emotional body punches as my grandmother became gravely sick without notice (She is doing ok right now) and between time spent visiting her, making up shifts at work and dealing with the emotions left me in not normal places. This unfortunately caused my Master to back off his use of me out of love for me which is great but just piled on to my difficulties.
Did I realize what was happening? Not necessarily at the beginning but at some point while taking stock I realized this was happening and was a big catalyst toward not being the best I could be for these circumstances that I was dealing with and for that matter all of us go through from time to time.
Know the differences between regular tired and not being able to function fully tired that puts one at risk.
Being used can be physically tiring and even sometimes mentally tiring but it is such a good tiring feeling. We are not wired the same as regular people. If I am just tired because of a few hours less sleep or a more demanding day that is just life and does not mean I cannot and especially do not want to cook a labor intensive meal or be tormented for my Master’s pleasure. These things are pleasures in my life why take those away from me when I am just tired. We do not fail to go into work, do our “normal” stuff when tired well as a slave these things are our NORMAL things.
Then there is tired to a level or doing something will put us into a level of where there is risk to our health. Then of course it is our Master’s responsibility to manage that situation. That comes from knowing us, what we have incurred and what the near future holds. For example, if your slave has had a very tiring week for whatever reason and you know they have another similar week ahead the dominant would be stupid to plan a weekend of energy draining activities and/or cause less sleep for their slave.
Being used gives us emotional energy

Being used as a slave gives us emotional energy. In fact it is very much the fuel that feeds us. One does not take away food and water from a sick person in order to make them better! Being used is what we are about. As the anonymous poster wrote we are not hear to gather dust.
Slaves need and are built for use
Being used in our slave capacity makes us the most happy otherwise we would not be one. Take away our use we will feel out of place, less submissive, and feel uncertainty creep into our relationship. We are not just bottom players and use whether regular, kinky or sexual is not solely about reward or orgasms. It is simply a much deeper and positively affects us in everything we do.
I am a slave when I communicate I am tired and my Master knows it just is regular tired it is purely for communication of information. I am not a regular woman trying to get a meal out or using it as an excuse not to have sex. I am a slave and fixing dinner and being your personal porn star whore is still a pleasure and far healthier for me then me thinking is he doing something just because he thinks that is what I want. I am a slave. I do not control my other by using coded/loaded words to get something. That is simply topping from the bottom and that is as yucky for a slave as it is a Master.
As I found out no matter how perfect we think our other is or how much experience one might have it can be easy to confuse when it is needed to back off on a slave’s use and when one could in fact benefit greatly from the normalcy of that use because that is why we call ourselves slaves.
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