Before I get to the list I want to communicate that stereotypes, racism and ignorance are a tough subjects for me as I find myself in a no man’s land in the middle. I obviously do not care for people who are racist or blindly ignorant but I also do not care for minorities who pass all of their problems on these topics as this causes damage and can cloud the more serious and actual problems.
I am going for brief and not going deep in the why which normally gets me long winded.

Truth: Asians have the same range of skills.
Why the stereotype: Cultural and reality
A) Cultural:
1. Asian culture treats school as ground zero from day one in how a person will succeed when they are adults. Subjects like creative writing, literature, sports and others are fine but treated a distant second to “real” subjects.
2. Respect! Respect! Respect! A child performance in school is a reflection on their family. This is very serious to the point of bad grades are just not tolerated.
3. For immigrants try succeeding in subjects that are based on words! Most of us come over with limited knowlege of the language. Math and science are straightforward and give an equal fight. Not so with anything that required writing and interpreting words. Which subjects might one like more based on them being easier?
B) Reality:
1. Probably all the immigrants coming to Western countries not out of desperation are coming for other opportunities. I doubt Western countries need Asian language writers, TV journalists, Asian literature and other like subjects. The Asians that have successful transitions and are putting their children in good schools and universities are probably coming from the science and mathematical backgrounds.
2. Factor in number one in the cultural and then think of Asian that come over for education they are just not going to be in many other subjects then math or science.
How bad is the stereotype?
It is not bad in terms of the truth that Asians tend to be focused in those subjects and bad grades are not acceptable in their families. It is a very bad stereotype because it makes us look different and colder.
Throughout American history the story of the immigrant is the same, parents demanding their children to get an education in useful subjects. Good grades in school have little to do with IQ points. We all know that to do well in school all it really takes is effort and the most common motivation is parents demanding effort. Plenty of parents from all races demand good grades.
It just sucks for people to think because of my skin color my success was more natural.

Truth: What truth?
Why the stereotype:
Well the China Doll comes from our formal behavior in public and in front of strangers and a common embracing of traditional roles.
Dragon Lady comes from old movies and just is a specific label to the universal cliché of an aggressive woman is labeled a bitch.
How bad is the stereotype?
The stereotype is very bad. As with most females we have a wide range of personalities. Sure some are going to be terribly passive and some are going to be very much aggressive but most are like everyone else and lie somewhere in between.
Asians are timid
Truth: No truth to it.
Why the stereotype:
Again public and in dealing with strangers there is a very formal and strict behavior protocols that Asians will not deviate from. We will try not to disrespect anyone and saying “no” is not going to happen. So Westerners come into contact with an Asian and see them trying their best to be polite and not to show disrespect. Negative things are considered disrespectful so the out there direct Westerner versus the not going to meet you half way because it would disrespectful makes an Asian look timid.
How bad the stereotype?
Terrible! Understand something the Asian in the situation I describe above is not judging himself how they “stood up” to the Westerner. They are judging themselves in what they did and if it was true to their beliefs. This is the classical judging a small sample of behavior in determining personality.

Truth: Asians are just like anyone else.
Why the stereotype: Why does interracial with other races come up? Either racists who cannot handle it and the simple fact people will get together in interracial matches whether they are with them for no reason to point to or they have a thing for that race.
Asians are no different. Asian woman is attracted to the same qualities that any other woman is attracted to and so are our men. Some get a thrill out of differences just like others.

Asian women are hyper sexuality and very kinky
Truth: While I admit I totally fit the stereotype I do not believe it for one second.
Why the stereotype: I must admit to being stunned by this one. A friend pointed it out to me and when spending time on the Internet this was all over the place.
The reason why seems to stem from part China Doll in terms of we are submissive and therefore put out and part from the pornography on the Internet.
Now I have a controversial belief about Asian women and kink but will save it for a later time but not that we are prone to be kinky just because.
How bad the stereotype? It is idiotic from prudes and/or Asians themselves.
It clearly appears because the porn on the Internet has sections and Asian is always a section this is the reasoning. I have also read in movies Asian women sleep around. Well in the movies all the women sleep around! In terms of porn, they have sections for big boobs, pregnant, midgets, black, grannies and on and on. Does that make all of them hyper sexual. I think not!
This just seems to be two anti (porn, racism) joining together.
Everyone assumes an Asian comes from China or Japan
Truth: Obviously none outside of the Asians who do come from those countries.
Why the stereotype: Laziness and poor geography skills. Asking the question people simply do not want to list all the countries and probably can only name a few more anyway.
How bad the stereotype? Completely irrelevant and shameful that Asians have a problem with this. I always play a game because I am from Taiwan and no one ever guesses that. America the question where are you from to an Asian is the exact same question of what is your nationality asked to a white person. It is innocent and consider 100% non inflammatory if an Asian asked them what nationality and only mentioned a couple.
Father's are traditional and act as figure heads and dominate the family by being a mean bastard.
Truth: Dad’s are traditional and are the leaders of the family. They can be selfish bastards just like they can be submissive wimps and everywhere in between.
Why the stereotype: Because “traditional” has been turned into vicious dictator and not just someone who takes the lead in most things and wants his family to be healthy and happy. Who perpetuates this? Media whether Asian men directly or revisionist history of older generations from all races that “traditional roles” must mean husband selfish and wife must always be dreaming of a better life and act like they are trapped. Throw in other Asian images it makes the men come off even worse.
How bad the stereotype? Really shitty! Of course there are horrible Dads that are Asian. There are horrible Dads from all races. But because they live in traditional roles does not make them selfish or assholes. What is really worse is that many Asian-Americans raised in Western culture are the people who perpetuate this myth. They either see it when they meet other Asians in real life and form the same opinion as a white person would by ignorance but because they are Asian they must not be ignorant or they get the image from the media.
Honest disclosure: I am a daddy’s girl in real life and my “traditional Dad is a saint”!
Asian women are cold
Truth: Asian women are just like anyone else.
Why the stereotype: Yes, Asians tend to repress our emotions to a certain extent. Part of the spirituality is to lose stupid emotions and this can lead to repression. Also again, Asian culture on public behavior is very different. Asians are family first and by a lot, few close friends and not real many general friends and acquaintances. Stranger and acquaintances are not going to see our true selves and for those who do it often takes a great deal of time.
How bad the stereotype? Bad but a tough one to get morally mad about. If we do not let you see our natural selves how can one get to know us. I again have issues with Asian-Americans raised in Western culture who raise this issue and fail to understand the reasoning behind it and instead attack the male dominant bastard women oppressed stereotype.
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