April 10, 2009

Random Opinions II

I think nothing scares dominants more then when submissives communicate of real time experience of their other stop being committed to the dynamic and stopped all active domination and play/scenes. So many try for the obedient spouse/maid, cook and whore with a great attitude that whenever real life people point out the real life failures of the dominant not holding up their end it scares them because many are that way and just do not have the domination within them. That many truly are just about do those things and tell me what you need and I will give it and think that can actually work. Time after time I see dominants respond with the most idiotic and ill thought out garbage when replying to specific and clear examples like they are being questioned by police and are trying to think of an alibi.

Being open to power exchange and BDSM and being open and adventurous sexually are completely two different things and often if both are wanted in a relationship that the hurdle of a person(s) with society values and raised beliefs are not tied together. For some they may mirror but for many one of them might be more difficult and possibly not going to be able to do. So one may become a freak in bed but never get comfortable with power exchange and vice versa. Just because someone is one of these things does not make them the other or easily converted. That goes for males and dominants as well.

People into poly need to do a much better job in promoting their ways. My first relationship was poly and quite successful in the fact it was not suppose to go on forever and they are still close friends who actually traveled to Taiwan to be guests at my wedding. So I am far from being against poly or think it cannot work. But poly people are often so defensive about their preferences for the life they can often act like a cult. What I mean by that is anything that people point out about problems and difficulties that outsiders bring up or people with past bad experiences in poly they circle the wagons and usually snipe back. I feel until poly people act in a more open and honest way in discussing the problems of poly and admit many in poly looking for thirds or go through thirds all the time are not good poly people or in it for good reasons. Until they do more of this then they will still get treated like a cult and have a tough time finding people to join them.

I feel maybe because of being submissive or being raised in Eastern culture make me somehow too harsh with this view but I always feel that too many women who are more prone to easiness and comfort of habit that keep their hair short and dress in a less then feminine way hurt their relationships. Often when I hear women complain their men no longer touch them that often or other even some of the more tame affectionate things I look at how they present themselves and want to blurt out why would he. I am not a believer of the poetic prose of that long hair and always wear outfits like dresses and skirts at all times be attractive is HOW a woman is naturally to be. But if we love our other and accept men are visually stimulated then I do not know why a woman does not make an effort to look appealing to their man. There is a reason early on in a power exchange relationship a male owner will often order the hair grown longer and the clothes more feminine worn by their slave.

I wish more women would be more secure in most things not based on a relationship so they can have more courage to leave crappy relationships and find ones that work for them. I also feel that more women need to stop thinking of a man as an entertainment device first then worry about long term compatibility things later.

I wish there was a remedial school for power exchange relationships. Every time a man talks only about the toys they are forced to take the class and every time a woman communicates a Master is suppose to be Prince Charming they have to take the course as well.


Anonymous said...

I agree with how you put this. My wife and I often see and comment on the number of women who have 'given up',as we call it. Hair in a short mop, sweat clothes, no make-up or jewelery. There are also the same amount of men who do nothing to increase their 'eye appeal' too. I like that my wife tries to look nice for me, and works at being appealing. We (men) are very visual creatures, and the efforts my submissive wife makes for me always get rewarded with praise and physical responses.
Thank you


Lin said...

I have heard the phrase “given up” as well to describe it. Men have their things they do when they give up as well all though I have always felt they come in the area of not bothering to try to be romantic or treat their wife to fun nights out and things of that nature.
