I hate overt hypocrisy
I have never understood the arguments over why porn should be either banned as indecent or porn depiction of women is degrading. Now these two arguments can be debated strictly on a subjective level but my issues with how the negative people seem transfixed on porn and ignore many other things in this life that would fall under their same argument that is much more prevalent in society and out there for children to see.

Because it is better for people to be exposed to violence in the theatre and TV over and over then heaven forbid then be at risk to be exposed to pornography where adults are enjoying each other company in a mutually pleasant way. The horrors and evil of the naked body!
I understand it cannot be made like Hollywood makes horror films. Society is not ready for this. But I for one have rarely seen a BDSM video that I enjoyed. Why, because they often have no emotion or sexuality toward them. That they come in two types, either purely BDSM where the bottom is put through the paces as the top is like not even part of the scene or sexual where the props, clothes and anything done are just more for ambiance of a regular sex scene.
People watch a horror film or some out there bullets flying everywhere cop action film and most call it harmless escapism because we are suppose to know that it is unrealistic and make believe. But it appears we are not allowed to make our porn in either a realistic safe way or indulge in fake fantasy stuff that Hollywood gives us.

I have role played rape and interrogation scenes and enjoyed it. I do not need to see actors on a video act it out in an even phonier way. Why cannot I have actors in videos act these types of scenes out in a Hollywood fake but attempt at realistic way. I just do not see the point of some rape play video where the silicone to the extreme pretends to get raped by moaning in ecstasy while sucking the rapist cock like it taste like chocolate a minute into the scene.
I understand but wish that if every other video made by people allows people’s imagination to be indulged in what they put on tape regardless of how proper it is why cannot porn show us are fantasies that we cannot re-create out of circumstance and most important safety in a fake but with effort way.
Miscellaneous porn thoughts
My first owners made me watch a lot of porn when I first became owned by them. I was far from a prude and well experienced sexually but I was like many who kept it in the bedroom only way. They had me watch porn so I would get so familiar with sex and nudity that my bedroom side and outside the bedroom side would merge together better. Anyway, they had a lot of 80’s porn and I am happy to say dated me. My Master and I had this discussion last night on what were the differences because I strongly enjoy the old porn more then modern porn.
We kind of came to the conclusion that the 80’s women were still more real looking and even with fake breast they were fake like some normal person might get them done. The men were normal looking as well and not all steroid out. The plots in both groups are light and lame. But I think the biggest difference was the 80’s actors were either better actors or what I think they partially did what they did because they enjoy it. I think most modern actors are in it for the money and exposure and it is some business plan to do a porn.

Like I wrote I tend to not have much interest in the visual but I do like on occasion to read erotica. I like reading stories like my opinion above this. I have no interest in my written stories to be fairytale realistic that can and does happen but I like my erotic fiction to be dirty, dark, totally unrealistic in terms of concerns for safety, sanity and morality. I can get realistic and safe type stuff all over the place. Please give me the sicker stuff with the written word.
I hate starting up reading a story and turns out the author might have a problem with narcissism. Every time I read some thing like “After the third slap of his hand I felt myself trying to make my ass meet his hand halfway. I knew I would love and obey him forever” or “my wife is extremely adventurous and wild in bed but she was not remotely like that before she met me”. I have a little laugh or stop reading because the story will have just thinly veiled undertones of some man trying to write in a way that makes him look like an incredible stud.
I appreciate a person attempt at adult writing and putting it on the Internet for free. I appreciate and understand it might not have been written so people can masturbate to. But if I want to read a romance novel I will buy and read a romance novel. Please get to the more fun stuff earlier then later as most who do this just repeat the same buildup scene with a slight variation until an action scene anyway.
Porn, it does not beat the real thing but it has its place.
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