July 1, 2008

First Contact

I just wanted to make a short post to follow up yesterday’s post on profiles on online sites. The thing I wanted to mention was the stupid debate often on should a woman submissive make first contact.

First I am an absolute believer of two things: 1) Logic 2) Accepting Reality. Throw in the human mind being an illogical computer at best means those two things do not work together all that often.


I doubt anyone would argue that the odds improve the more effort we make in trying to accomplish something and this would include finding our other. So I would be the first to go a woman would help her chances to look at profiles and make first contact with people that interest her.

But logic also must factor in that by nature a submissive is a follower. That tends to be in the same area of initiating things and therefore not something all that natural to initiate first contact.


Going back a long way, say the entire history of man, men have been the ones to pursue women. Throw in that whole submissive things I wrote above and you have a pretty strong predictable pattern of behavior.

Does it really matter whether it is nurture or nature? Does it really matter what is theoretically better or “proper” in theorized power exchange mumbo jumbo?

Deal with it

In the end the reality is while it would help women to look and write more the fact is most will not do that and for you men out there to understand if you want a woman you will have to pursue that woman.

There are many male dominants out there who love to chest thump how they will not make first contact with a female submissive. I have seen them post on a message board their cyber theorist philosophy or ego bruised manifesto as I normally view it. They will claim they get a ton of messages from women but all I know is these same men are still posting on the same message board, still looking and it has been years.

Like most things with us human beings we go about things sometimes in an unusual way. But for the people who are successful they do not wish for something to be different to get what they want but go after it in a way to get it. So men, you can wait and maybe but your odds are much greater if you pursue until you catch your one.

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