Warning the follow post is about what the title says it is. Those icked out by such a topic you have been warned. In addition, because of the nature of the topic, my passion for it and because my view of how it gets discussed normally is not usually from people like me, this post will be written totally slanted for this type of kink and done with far less filtering of graphic language then my normal posts.
Like anything in life and including the power exchange relationship life I have an absolute belief in a to each their own and what works for the individual or couple is cool philosophy. I am no way endorsing that watersports should be in the toolbox of any power exchange relationship nor do I think I am cooler let alone better then any slave just because I am an eager and willing recipient of this type of play.Keeping it Real 
A shout out for easily my least favorite phrase ever but it is what popped into my head. I will just not write watersports or golden showers the rest of this post. We all SHOULD BE grownups and recognize what this is. It is piss play. It is about pissing on and/or drinking piss. Piss is a far easier thing to type out and a far cooler word for me to imagine.
I am an ER/trauma nurse and a Taoist, in my physical life and in my spirituality combine for me to accept and deal with reality. Reality includes being an open minded adult. Therefore men and women who think a woman should not write or see such topics like this or graphic sex pictures because it is un lady like all the while demand or are a personal porn star slut for their male is simply not reality and in my mind a severe attachment issue with that person. There is proper public behavior for a woman based on cultures but that is public behavior not reading or pretending to be “shocked” by what humans do in private of their homes. One is being a responsible and respectful person. The other is role playing.
Why I love piss play1) How it turns me on.My number one fetish is being physically dominated and there is no close second. Certainly any types of piss play even the type of play where I am the one doing the pissing but ordered to is a physical domination. Within that physical domination other things that turn me on naturally are objectification, humiliation and degradation. I have yet to be in a power exchange situation where piss play did not have a strong element of one or each of those things. For me personally only scat play can compare but with less disgusting reactions or need to concentrate to get through it so I can concentrate more on the pleasure of those wonderful feelings.
Would it surprise some reading this that I do not enjoy/crave any of the actual physical aspects of piss play? That I have never dreamt, fantasized or masturbated to thoughts or memories of how piss looks, smells, tastes and feels on me or in me. For those who do not understand this apparent dichotomy
I wrote about it in this post that I think is one of best things I have ever written. What I do fantasize about a lot is being humiliated, degraded and objectified through piss play by domination scenarios of past and perhaps future events.
2) For some of us it can be an incredible intimate act.
This sounds weird to some but it is the truth. There are ways for this to be done that give me intensely intimate feelings of being closer and feeling love for my Master. The setting, mood and way it is done can align in a way where his piss whether he pisses on me or makes me drink it and even if it involves my own piss can make me incredibly closer to my Master.
A couple of rather mundane examples that are very intimate feeling to me; 1) while I am on the toilet relieving myself and my Master walks in and has me suck his cock. There is something about the whole situation that is just a reminder that anywhere I am his to do with what he pleases that makes it so intimate. 2) Often my Master has me drink his piss after we have had a pretty intimate sexual encounter. In these instances it feels like just a continuation of us making love like what it is just the most common thing in the world for me to do.
3) For us and always for me it is a strong act of showing my devotion to my Master and our dynamic.I know to many the concept of having to do something to show our love and devotion to another is considered a sign of a problem. The truth is pretty much all healthy relationships people do things that show our love and devotion to our significant other. People in power exchange relationships tend to gravitate to the more extreme examples/acts. I write about this often but to avoid going off topic
I wrote about this specifically in this post.
To me this can often along with what I just wrote above. I lovingly submit to my Master. The fact is I have a high sex drive and even without power exchange in my life I am pretty much anywhere, anytime and anyway person. Nurture and nature have me being responsible and take great pride in keep a good and warm home for family. Part of the great compatibility of a couple is that each other’s needs and desires to feel loved by our others in ways that mean something to us.
For some of us in either role piss play can give off a great expression of love and devotion. It gives me pleasure and honor for me to be with my Master and allow him to do these things to me. I find piss play to have a very overt expression of my love and devotion for my Master. For example, my Master travels a lot on business and I adore it when he finally is home and can greet him at the door kneeling, get to cook him a meal again and serve him in any other way. But to me when he is gone and until he lets me drink his piss when he gets home I will think and crave this act done to me. Not out of any physical pleasure but my love for my Master manifests greatly into practically needing to do this as an expression of my love and devotion.
4) It never get boring or tiring to me. 
I am not one to get bored by repetition anyway but I have been a willing participate in watersports for a very long time and I have yet to ever feel ho hum about it being done to me. I mean someone I care for is substituting me for a toilet! I think that at the heart of my love for this type of play is where it is at. That glorious dichotomy of being in a loving relationship where my owner still will use me in one of the lowest ways a person can be used. That active domination that from so many ways there is no way getting around it that this play for me shows me my Master loves our dynamic and is not afraid to truly use me for his pleasure.
How can this be all these things and not just icky!One word: perspective.
Whenever there is any discussion on some specific action people often form an instant opinion based on their thought or maybe limited experience. That is natural and nothing wrong with that. The problem though when trying to understand is not how one personally may respond but being able to recognize that response might not be universal.
Often when watersports are brought up the discussion is controlled by the many who first and only thought is “yuck, how gross”. To them that is fine but way too often the discussion then is centered on that specific part that often make the discussion totally useless.
Whenever anything is brought up people can only filter it through one way. The most glaring example is ignorant people who cannot understand how a masochist can still be punished effectively by a spanking just like a non masochist. It is all about the atmosphere, expectations, and actions happening all around.

This is the same with piss play. Kneeling in the shower in the morning as your Master pisses on you like most mornings ever so nonchalantly like breathing is going to make me feel strongly objectified. Getting pissed on after being dragged into the bedroom and having very rough and quick hard sex then being left to clean it up will make me feel degraded. Getting dressed up in my sexy best and having a beautiful romantic dinner then after kneeling and taking his cock in my mouth to receive his golden present makes me feel very loved and close to my Master.
It is never the act specifically by itself in a vacuum but how it is done and how the two people feel and react to it.
Hypocrisy of people There you have a view of piss play from a huge fan. I understand completely why many people have no interest in this type of play. But I always troubled/miffed when people involved in other kinky type things judge this play as somehow wrong compared to other types.
We do not like when people judge us because of our relationship dynamic or the kinks we may do. But yet for some people this does not stop them from judging others on the very same basis.
To each there own and for me, bring on the piss.